Natural Birth

Natural Birth holds different meanings to different people!

To the midwives who are qualified and trained to look after low risk women in labour, it means VAGINAL BIRTH without pain medication or routine medical interventions which have the potential of speeding up or prolonging labour.

To us, at ALFA CLINIC, NATURAL BIRTH means allowing labour to start on its own in low-risk women, closely monitoring the woman and her baby to reassure us of their continued well-being. We let the labour progress on its own. Labour in the early stages is slow but picks up speed only after it enters the active phase which is about 5 cm cervical dilatation.
Natural labour at ALFA also means that when labour deviates from normal, we use interventions which correct the course of labour and still result in vaginal delivery. 
Pain management starts even before the onset of labour, we prepare our women during the antenatal period, educate them about labour, the inevitable occurrence of pain during labour, how to cope, changing positions, upright position to allow descent of head, non-pharmacological techniques like massage, TENS, and hydrotherapy/warm water shower, deep immersion in warm water to reduce the perception of pain.
Some women need a more potent painkiller like an epidural to see them through the active stages of labour resulting in vaginal delivery. Natural Birth also means that both, providers and mum-to-be, are flexible and make use of 
scientific evidence and technology in a natural birth setting, for the best outcome for the mother and baby. 
If labour is progressing slowly, the woman is helped to understand that ARM (artificial rupture of membranes) can speed up labour, its a non-pharmacological intervention, with not many adverse effects on the outcome. 
Induction of labour (artificially forcing labour) is one of the commonest causes of surgical intervention, and hence, we are extremely conservative in this aspect. 
Induction of labour is carried out when it is perceived that prolonged labouring may be detrimental to the health of the woman, her baby or both, and put in jeopardy a safe vaginal delivery. 
We induce only at 41 weeks and later in post-dated pregnancies, our threshold for inductions in PIH(Pregnancy Induced Hypertension), and GDM(Gestational Diabetes Mellitus) is very high which allows many more women to get into labour spontaneously, and are given an opportunity to have a natural birth. 
Reduced liquor and cord round the neck are not sufficient indications for intervention in our practice and hence many more women are allowed to wait to get into spontaneous labour. 
For women with previous C-sections, if we find them appropriate for vaginal delivery, we give them TOLAC (Trial OLabour After C-section),  and all the principles of natural birth are applied to them. 
WATERBIRTH/WATERLABOUR accentuates the normalcy of labour and birth and is available at ALFA CLINIC. 
We also let our TOLACs labour in water and deliver them underwater, both VBACs and WATERBIRTH are traditionally known as challenging but our perception of these two are not high risk and hence they too are eligible for natural birth. 
We have started extending our boundaries  for a natural birth, thus borderline PIH, GDM, and cardiac illness patients are also given an opportunity to wait for natural spontaneous labour and increase 
their chance of vaginal delivery. 
Thus technology like CTG and ultrasound used in the proper context, has helped us in extending natural birth to many more women. 


Stories from Our Patients​

Best Doctor you can find. I have visited more than 7 hospitals in Bangalore to get the normal delivery for my wife. Even experienced doctors suggested c sec. However, Dr. Fathima madam waited almost 20 days more than the delivery date, and finally, we had natural birth at the alpha clinic. She is a rare gem, society needs more doctors/clinic like this, at this point of time where c section mafia is at its peak. Thank you Doctor. Thank you for everything.
Srinivas Murthy -

During my 1st pregnancy Aug’17 we were keenly looking for Gynaecologist who could help us Deliver Normally. By God’s grace, we got to know Alfa Clinic (Dr. Fatima) from my husband’s colleague.

Started visiting in 2nd trimester, and 1st visit with Dr boosted our Faith. Dr asked us to stop all unnecessary medicines & prescribed only an Iron/Calcium tab. Explained us thoroughly on lifestyle changes to be followed for normal delivery. Minimal follow-up Consultations as per requirement, only mandatory Scans/Tests. Our experience with her literally got us back to our childhood days, Dr checks the haemoglobin levels in the eyes & pulse by holding the wrist instead of multiple lab tests. All our queries were answered very convincingly.

EDD was 6th May’18, 39th week of pregnancy started noticing draining liquid & texted Dr, We were asked to visit the clinic. Dr confirmed amniotic fluid leakage. Admitted on 30th Apr Noon. Dr was visiting regularly & consoled me, no worries it would progress well. Only 2cm dilated until night. @3am started experiencing contractions & Dr confirmed it was 3cm only. The next day 11 am, started with Oxytocin IV. More intensive contractions kicked in, only 3cm until 1 pm. Since it wasn’t progressing well, with a hard heart Dr planned for c-sec @4pm. Due to feverish/shivering along with extreme pain couldn’t wait till 4 pm, so my husband requested for c-sec @3pm. Dr immediately examined was dilated to 7cm surprisingly. FHR was good, Dr asked us to wait as her heart wasn’t permitting us to do c-sec. After getting shifted to the Labour room, was struggling due to very low energy. Dr motivated me continuously for 1/2 hour that I’m doing good & could definitely do it. The best part husband was with me in the labour room. Once FHR started dropping with noticeable meconium staining, I was assisted with forceps & Baby was delivered normally/safely.

B4 planning 2nd pregnancy we visited Dr, and as per her advice, our journey started. As usual very less visits, mandate scans only(it came out helpful in COVID times) Was due on 22nd Oct’21 & 39th week started noticing some discharge, visited Dr on 18th Oct. After the examination doc confirmed, that I was 2cm dilated. Since we were staying 15km away from the hospital, with 4yr toddler it was tough for us to go back & wait for @home for natural pain. To help us Dr admitted me & started the labour process with a minimal dosage of oral medicine. As soon as I started contracting after 2nd dose, Dr wanted things to happen the natural way & stopped the medicine. Started shivering/feverish (similar to 1st Pregnancy) @2am & was only 2cm. Dr stayed back the whole night and was monitoring me closely (no words for her commitment/service). @4am dilated 5cm but unfortunately, FHR increased due to which the water birthing plan was ruled out. FHR settled down to normal @5am and was progressing well. Dr was explaining every bit to both of us very calmly. @8am got the severe urge to push with my contractions, Dr immediately shifted me to the labour room, during the final pushing stage Dr started giving instructions & just followed accordingly.

Dr motivated me so much that I could deliver my baby in the 2nd push & without my knowledge baby was already on me. Wasn’t able to believe it, as it happened very fast that my son wasn’t even awake from his sleep & I had already delivered my daughter. Both I & my husband were in happy tears looking at our daughter. Dr was extremely happy for us that result was Normal-Delivery in spite of complications that arrived during active labour.

Our gratitude towards Dr Fatima & Alfa clinic is beyond words. Very happy that both of our babies were delivered in her hands. We always trust her as much as we trust God. Her intentions are always right & caring. So we just followed her & landed on safe shore. We always believed that she will do the best possible in any situation, so never worried at any point in time. Extending our thanks to the nursing staff, supporting staff & housekeeping of Alfa Clinic for making our journey smooth & comfortable. Special thanks to Nurse Hema Sister. !!

We would definitely vouch & recommend Alfa Clinic for ALL !!

Soumya M S

We are very thankful to Dr. Fatima for her guidance and support during our critical times. We had a bad experience of 2 time miscarriage due to her cardiac illness, Dr Fathima guided us and suggested a kind well acknowledged cardiac specialist and we have gone through the cardiac treatment. After this one year she conceived and Dr Fathima taken care very well during the pregnancy. There are no unnecessary medicines and unwanted scanning suggested by doctor. Even during delivery also faced challenges and she has taken this with great courage. Finally after 8 years waiting we are blessed with a baby boy, Normal delivery.
Kavya and Deviprasad Rai -

We visited her during the 7th month of my wife’s pregnancy through the recommendation of our friend. The doctor sees the patient very calmly and answers all our questions. We can book the appointment prior and we can visit the doctor at that time and hence reducing the wait time. The doctor recommends the scanning at Raghav where there will be a long queue and it is first come first serve which is a bit painful.

We got our baby delivered in the 3rd week of September and it was a vaginal delivery even though there was a cord around the baby’s neck. Really we have to appreciate the doctor’s patience as she was continuously monitoring my wife even at night. The doctor visited the hospital 3 times at night and even monitored via WhatsApp with the help of a nurse.

All the nurses and supporting staff are kind. The rooms are good and it is for those who want a normal delivery and a hospital without fancy things. The hospital is maintained, hygienic, and reasonable price. Much less compared to Apollo and Narayana Hrudayalaya.

If one is looking for a c-section and fancy delivery with a photoshoot and too much pampering then it’s not the place. I really appreciate the knowledge of the doctor, and her selfless service and definitely will recommend to those who are looking for normal delivery.

Sudarshana M S

It’s my immense pleasure to thank Dr. Fatema Ponnawala for making my wife’s first labour so easy with normal procedure. I was so scared about the complications in C-Section after listening from my friends and family members. I always prayed to god to get my wife’s first labour to be normal. Luckily we got a reference from our friend about Alfa clinic, we started to consult the doc from 5th month. She (doc) is a gem of a person. She is so calm and knowledged, very encouraging and constantly checking the mother and baby vitals every month. Hospital is so hygiene and quite a friendly staff who is taking good care of baby more than a care taker. I strongly recommend this hospital for Maternity from my experience. Thanks for everything Doc and team!
Sateesh K -

Our friend gave us the reference of Dr.Fatima, I take the opportunity to thank him first.

Coming to Dr.Fatima – I wonder how can a doctor be so dedicated. She is a very Composed, extremely talented, and knowledgeable pure heart human being we would say. The way she has guided us throughout the period of pregnancy is commendable. Without her and the awesome staff’s support, a normal delivery wouldn’t have been possible. We are 100% sure that any other doctor would have suggested a C-section for the situation we had gone through.

A note to the expecting parents who are looking for a good place and doctor you can rely on, Alfa is the place! Dr.Fatima will be your best choice if you are looking for a complication-free and peaceful pregnancy period and delivery. Before you decide, we suggest taking a chance and having an initial conversation with her – we are sure that she will fill you with positivity, not just with her words, but with her pleasant face and smile.

In short, we would say that she is the best doctor we have ever met so far irrespective of the health causes. Again, Thanks a Ton, Dr.Fatima and Team. We will be always grateful to You and your Team.

Nimmy and Rajeev


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